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December 13, 2011
The Committee meeting was called to order at 6:31PM.  Present were:  Phil Mighdoll, Tom Daly, David Krashes, Larry DeBlois, and Henry Beth.

Also in attendance was Sheila Dubman from the Historical Commission.

The November 15, 2011, minutes were approved, 5-0.

Phil reviewed his discussion with the Board of Selectmen and the Committee reviewed and approved his suggested outline for the meeting (attached).  The Committee reiterated our desire to recommend to the BOS that the proceeds from any sale of town owned property be reinvested in other town assets and not be used as operating revenue.

Dave and Tom reviewed properties that seem to have some potential as saleable assets with the committee (list attached).  Tom had contacted Doug Andrysick to see if he could do rough topographicals for the properties and to date had not received a response.  Henry suggested if Doug felt it was too involved to do gratis that we get an estimate of what it would cost.  Tom felt there should be some preliminary work done by the town in order to maximize the value of the assets.  Larry questioned how a value could be established for unbuildable property and Henry felt that could be done by an appraiser.  Phil suggested we use the most recent assessment.  Dave mentioned an abutter valuing his privacy may value a property higher than a disinterested party.  The committee decided not to attempt to value the properties without further investigation.

Dave suggested we might not want to sell certain properties that might be useful to the Town in the future.  He also questioned if all the properties listed as parks we being used as such.

Tom indicated he would check the Assessor’s office to insure the property list was complete.

Tom moved to adjourn, Larry seconded, all were in favor.   

The next committee meeting will be January 10, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Daly, Secretary